Welcome to Your ACRDS Homework Portal

Enter your email below to see the answers and feedback on your ACRDS homework. Please enter the same email each time you submit your homework!

Please note that the page will refresh after you enter your email and when you scroll past the form, your homework will be there (you don't have to enter your email again).

Enter your email below to see the answers and feedback on your ACRDS homework.

The links to submit homework are at the bottom of this form.

**Use your military email on this page and to submit all your homework forms** so all the content is connected in our system.

After you enter your email and hit "Login," the page will refresh, and your homework submissions and feedback will appear.

Submitting this form will show you homework answers and feedback for lessons you already submitted.

Access the classroom (materials and videos) here:


If you are looking for the forms to submit homework, here they are:

Week 1:


Week 2:


Week 3:


Week 4:


Week 5, Part 1:


Week 5, Part 2:


Use your military email when submitting all homework forms.

If you have a question, you can enter the question in the box at the bottom of each homework (if it is related to the material), join office hours on Wednesdays at 2:30 pm ET, ask the question in the classroom "Feed" on Mighty Networks (visible to others in the class), or email us using the link below.

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